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How to Write a Good College admission Essay:Ultimate Guide

How to Write a Good College admission Essay

Writing an essay is a crucial part of every students’ life, and undoubtedly a necessary skill, that all students should develop over time. While majority of the essays you will write in high school will be in fulfilment of your high school grade expectations, a good college essay could be the ticket to your dream college. An essay, especially a college admission essay should be persuasive enough to get you that desired spot.

How to Write a Good Essay

In the few words allowed, your essay should give important background information that shows who you are. The college admission essay is a chance to share your personality, goals, challenges, life experiences, dreams and successes. As a prospective student, a good college essay gives you a chance to make an impression and boost your chances of being accepted. The problem that many students face is the urge to fit many stories to convince the vetting panel. What many do not know, is that a single story is enough to provide a benchmark for who you are, and what you aspire to be. Writing the essay should be a step by step process, and the final copy should be the key to your future. If you are faced with the task of writing a good college essay, here are some of the key points to consider.

Understand The Question

If you want to write a good college essay, you should first understand the question or the prompt. Recruiters may suggest one or more topic ideas for you to concentrate on. Your essay, however well-written, should be in line with the question asked. Read the question, read it again until it sinks in. Through the question to be tackled, you have a chance to express your opinion and show your writing skills. Before beginning to brainstorm and structure you essay, ask yourself what the question wants you to do. Are you expected to defend an idea, argue out a point, expand on an existing concept, or defend one? Once you have understood the angle of the question, you need to know how to relate it to you. How does this question relate to you? How can you apply it to you? With an understanding of the way forward, you can move on to the next step. It is wise to write down what aim of your college essay is, and how it relates to you. This will guide you as you choose ideas, to avoid deviating from the main path.


The purpose of brainstorming is to flesh out any writing ideas you might have, and write them down before re-evaluation. As easy as it may sound, brainstorming is actually engaging work, that works best when you are well-rested, and have your brain operating at its peak. Remember that brainstorming does not have to take one day; take your time. Write down any personal experiences that can be blended to fit into the main idea. Your life experiences are a creative and vital way of introducing you to a recruiter. They offer a profound understanding of how you think, and why applying to the college of of your choice. The story you choose could reflect your strengths, and explain what sets you apart from other applicants. You have several ideas exploding in your head, with each sounding more enthusiastic than the other. However, you have to choose three strong topics that you can build on for your essay. To make your work easier, draw up an evaluation criteria list, and one by one, pick off any ideas that are not in line with your goal. Afterwards, you can choose one strong idea, that should have several supporting points that give an excellent demonstration of your skills, experiences, strengths, achievements, and beliefs.

Prepare an Outline

Remember that a good college essay, is still an essay, and therefore, good essay writing skills will be helpful. An outline is vital because it provides a guideline to follow as you write an essay. Your outline should separate your essay into different parts, with each portion tackling or presenting a new concept. As you know, every story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, and so should yours. Your introduction, body and conclusion, should all be tied to each other, and have a natural flow if information. As you write the outline, detail the information to be included in each part. For example, you should decide on a proper introduction. Will you use a question, an anecdote, or humor? What tone should you use in the essay? Planning ahead will also help you achieve consistency in the voice and writing style. Excellent writers are recognized for their styles, and your essay is also recognizable this way. Know and understand your style to avoid changing it midway.

Write Your Essay

When writing the essay, follow your guideline, and try to be as creative as possible. Write an essay that is persuasive, profound, explanatory, and truly reflect who you are. The first draft does not have to be the final copy, but should go through several revisions later on. Keep your focus narrow, but have explanations for the key points you choose to include. Also, be natural, because recruiters can see right through cliché phrases, or copied works. Lastly, remember to be concise. Wordiness, may help you achieve your word limit, but will not make your essay better to read.


As stated earlier, your first draft will go through several revisions. Start off with checking for grammatical and sentence structure errors, before correcting issues such as a variation in the voice and writing style used. It is easier to recognize mistakes in your work, after taking a break from it, to give you a fresh perspective. Do not rely solely on computer spelling checks, because they do not detect errors in voice change, or the use of slang and abbreviations. You can also try reading aloud to hear if any of the statements in the essay are unnatural. If you feel that you cannot proofread your own essay, ask another experienced person to help. It is easy to feel that your essay is the best, until another person points out your mistakes. You can also request a proofreader from our custom essay writing service Once you are done, submit the final copy and hope for the best.

How to Deal with a Daunting Essay

Most people avoid situations they are uncomfortable with and lack knowledge in. Just like many people, students result to avoidance when they have to write an essay because they find them challenging. The reasons may vary from lack of interests, lack of experience, difficulty in choosing topics, or finding an appropriate writing technique. Whatever the reason for avoidance, it is important to understand that avoiding a daunting essay, only adds to the tension. If you are having trouble dealing with an essay, here are a few pointers for you.

Start Early

The biggest mistakes that students make, is pushing their essay to the last minute. This reduces the time that is required to understand the topic, brainstorm, prepare an outline, carry out adequate research, and also proofread the work. Pushing an essay assignment to the last minute also makes you more tense, and prevents clear thinking, since the deadline will be the only issue in mind. To avoid submitting poor essays, do not postpone. Even if the topic is challenging, and you are unsure of how to handle the essay, start early, to gather knowledge. Through the allocation of adequate time to prepare for the daunting essay, the writing process becomes easier. Your final paper will be well organized and structured if you take your time.

Read Widely

Essay writing is a skill developed over time, and requires intensive and broad reading to generate new ideas. An essay you wrote during your first year in high school, will not serve you in the last year, because it will not present new ideas. To avoid falling into a rut of repetitive patterns read other essays, books, blogs, and articles. Seek knowledge from any source available to you, to get ideas on new concepts, perspectives, language, and writing styles.

Have a Plan

Good students prepare a plan for their essay, to help them as they write. Having a detailed plan will provide a map for your ideas and how they should interlock. It will also ensure that you do not forget any points, and that you also include them appropriately. Every point you map out should have supporting evidence, and link to the main theme, or the purpose of your essay. The basic structure of an essay should include an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Your introduction should provide a context for your essay, and it is your duty to make it interesting. You can begin with an anecdote, a funny story, a statement of facts, or even a question and answer. The choice is entirely yours. Remember to also have a thesis statement, because, it lays down the purpose of your essay. As stated earlier, the body should have points laid out in paragraphs, each with evidence for support. The paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, move on to evidence, and lastly, tie the point to the thesis statement. Lastly, have a conclusion for your essay. Leave the readers with something to chew on, and to reflect on.

Writing a daunting essay is possible, if well planned and executed. However, sometimes, even the best of students need assistance with their essays. Even with a good mastery of essay writing skills, time may run out, and you need a professional to help you craft a captivating essay. Which leads us to our next question.

Where Can I Get Perfect Essay Help?

Finding perfect online essay help can be challenging, especially with many websites online making endless promises to produce quality work and low costs. It is possible to lose money, and receive poor work, or no work at all, even after payment. This can be frustrating, especially if you have limited time and resources to write the essay. However, prefect essay help should come in the following package.

Good Communication

A good and secure communication platform to ensure that you can explain what you need, without fear of exposure. The communication channel should also provide assistance 24/7 to ensure that all your essay needs are met at any time of the day.

Timely Delivery Of Work

Each essay should be submitted within an agreed time frame to ensure that you have time to review the work before approval. This will also ensure, that you give the essay a personal touch if you feel that it could be too complex for your level, and therefore sell you out.

Following Instructions

The writer you hire should read all the instructions you provide and ask for clarification where necessary. Each of the instructions should be strictly followed and clearly reflected in your essay.

Follow Up and Editing

The platform should ask for your opinion, and satisfaction, to ensure that you are always happy with the work provided. If any changes should be made to the work provided, then it should be done according to the instructions and in a timely manner to ensure that you are satisfied with the essay you will be submitting.

Affordable Costs

A platform that allows you to cover the costs of any essay, especially because you are a student. Since you may not have a steady source of income, the platform you choose should be financially flexible for you.

Quality Work

The work should showcase a mastery of writing skills, knowledge and research. It should also be free of any errors, whether grammatical or syntax.


The content you receive should be original, to avoid penalization due to plagiarism. Your tutors have access to applications that detect plagiarized content, and for this reasons, you should only pay for original content.

If you are looking for perfect essay writing help, then is the ideal company for you. We pride ourselves in the provision of quality work to help our students achieve academic success. No matter how challenging your essay may seem, you can be assured that we have the right professionals to assist you. Order a perfect essay today.

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